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Bouncing Babies

Bouncing Babies In-Person

This program is for our youngest patrons (under 18 months of age) and their favorite caregiver! This casual get together is a time for little ones to play and their caregivers to get some interaction with fellow adults! Toys, blankets, and baby-friendly manipulatives will be available for free play. This program does not have the structure of a storytime but occassionally we might do a single book, bouncing rhyme, or song. Little friends- come get in your tummy time, practice those crawling skills, start toddling around, and make some friends! Adullts, while you are expected to attend to your child, you are invited to bring your coffee (with a lid please!) and chat while doing so! We have blankets to borrow for the babies to lay on but you are welcome to bring your own from home if you'd prefer. No registration is required for this free program and all materials are provided by the library. Join us when you can! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Show more dates
9:00am - 10:00am
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Children's Room

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